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 Post subject: Choose a setting
PostPosted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:44 pm 
Cererean Princess
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Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:05 pm
Posts: 1657
This is a selection of some of the ideas I have come up with so far to set fiction in, and I am willing to run an RP in any of them if there is interest. It is in Abiword format, so I'm not sure everyone would be able to access it if I uploaded the file. Hence...


Ideas (original)

A group of people find themselves transported to an exoplanet and have to build up an advanced technology from scratch.
It turns out that all TV shows come from the mind of an autistic child, kept in a dream state by an evil organisation who tap his mind for the shows. A ragtag bunch of misfits have to free him from their control, but when they find out that he’s nothing but a gigantic brain in a vat...
Protagonist has a bad accident which leaves them crippled on life support. Rather than spending the rest of their life reliant on other people, they opt to remove the now surplus to requirements flesh and transport their brain into a new biosynthetic body, which allows them to plug into and control various shells ranging from a Dalek to a Monitor, as well as various vehicles. Follow the wacky adventures of Brian in a Vat!

Ideas (fanfic)
In the grim darkness of the far future there is... friendship. An Imperial archaeologist aboard a rogue trader vessel discovers a dark age cache, documenting a Xeno species referred to as Ponies by those who wrote it. What she finds - a powerful species of Psykers, who appeared to have mastered the use of the Immaterium without feeding Chaos, even reforming a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch - will revolutionise the galaxy. She starts her quest to recover the Elements of Harmony alone. By the end, she will have befriended a Rogue Trader Captain, an Inquisitor, a Space Marine, an ordinary Guardsman, and even a Tau; liberated Ishtar, the Eldar goddess of Healing, from her imprisonment at Nurgles hand; brought the Elements of Harmony into existence through the beliefs of billions of subjects of the Imperium; and take her stand with her friends, several Eldar gods, and the reborn Emperor of Mankind in a battle over the fates of the galaxies trillions of souls...

Antediluvian: humanity is divided into two species. The elder species, possessing long lifespans, superior intellect and advanced technology, pose as gods above their younger siblings. Those who attempt to rebel, such as Prometheus, are tortured mercilessly. But their prospenity for raping the women under their control backfire, as a new race is born, with the power of the elders but no friendliness for them... against this backdrop, Noah, an elder who has forsaken their ways, must keep his mixed family alive through the storm.
Prefantasy: there are many human species populating prehistoric Terra, ranging from the tall, gracile Elves, to the short and stocky Dwarves, and including the diminutive Hobbits. In addition to them, there are the giant, lumbering Trolls, another branch of the primate family, and the Goblins and Orcs, who constantly threaten their existence. And that’s not counting the death that can drop from the skies in the form of the Great Dragons... if only they actually had magic, as their long descendants would come to imagine them as having, rather than just rocks, sticks and their wits...
Tik-Tok on the Clockpunk: the Renaissance took a different turn, when the powerful Medici family became tired of merely ruling Florence and decided to employ Leonardo da Vinci in his capability as an engineer. Soon, there are gliders flying across Europe, carrying passengers and light cargo, soon joined by airships. It isn’t long before the first battles take place, the early air wars providing the impetus to movements to produce a continent wide communications network. Society whirrs along, just as long as the mainspring doesn’t break.
Anarchist Atlantis: at some point in the 19th century, a new island appears in the Atlantic ocean, and is promptly annexed by both America and Britain. Whilst the two of them argue it out, the island is settled by free market anarchists, who have no intention of relinquishing their own claim. Throughout the tribulations that come, they stay the course, and emerge into the 20th century a free market paradise.
The Commonwealth: it took over half a century after becoming able, but in the early 21st century, humanity finally decided to get out of the cradle... well, some of them; the others decided it sounded too much like work. But now there are colonies from Mercury to the Oort cloud, connected at first by chemical, gravitational and solar electric propulsion, and later by powerful fusion rockets, where the basics of life are effectively free and a connection to the interplanetary internet is considered a fundamental human right. It is an age when some have gone so far as to discard the vast majority of their bodies, replacing them with titanium, composites and carbon to become spaceships, though most remain near the baseline level of humanity, with most people opting only for the elimination of aging, the fixing of defects, and the occasional whole body re-engineering. It is an age when cult-busting ships bearing space marines can be found amongst the asteroids and comets, small organisations wield power that would make the superpowers of the 20th century jealous, and justice is enforced by the justicars, judges and commissars of the Solar Court system. No wonder there are always people fleeing the oppression of Terra for a new life in the colonies...
The Open Source Superhero: the real life superhero movement gets a boost after the open source superhero project is launched. The OSSP provides a repository of useful information and plans for budding superheroes, and it isn’t long before teams of superheroes - supported and held together by the efforts of tinkers and thinkers - are clearing up crime around the world. But where superheroes go, supervillains follow... and when one of those supervillains decides humanity should no longer be the apex predator...
The Fall of Pax REUUNA: civilisation, as the doomsayers predicted, fell into a spiral of decay. Rogue states had free reign, before collapsing into small petty kingdoms. Skills in most places were forgotten, and superstition reigned once more. Those who maintained the Old Ways of Science and Technology were either looked up to as gods, or hated and despised as witches who had led to the collapse of the old world. Not helping their cause were the genetically engineered plagues which modified the population, and the new creatures which dwelt beyond the confines of the city, such as Dragons, Basilisks, and many others. Not counting the beings which were once human, but which used technology to become something different, and far, far darker...
The Second Superpower: the 21st century, as predicted, heralded the end of the nation-state, though defiant governments still held on tightly to control over their heartlands. The stage was set for new superpowers to arise, disappearing as soon as their function was finished - disasters would be swarmed by teams from around the world, using open source technologies and tactics to set right what went wrong, co-operating only as long as was required to solve the problem and then dissolving back into society when they were no longer needed.
The Ascension of Terra: humanity was attacked by aliens. This was a bad move on the aliens part. By the end of the war, the human population had been halved, from 8 billion to 4 billion. Over the ashes of their cities, humanity took a collective vow to never again be vulnerable to destruction, and through the reverse engineering of the alien ships and an aggressive pro-natal campaign, rebuilt themselves over the next century to a galactic power, with over a hundred billion people spread out over hundreds of thousands of worlds, from small outposts in deep space to densely population city planets. The next time they were attacked, they were ready.


If anyone wants to run an RP using any of these settings (BTW, Morrigoths Shadow and Titanic Trek are set in a couple of these settings), feel free to do so. But be warned that if you come up with a good idea for the setting, it may/will turn up later in my fiction, and you may have to remind me if you want attribution...

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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