Faerûn - The Sword Coast CH. 1
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
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Faerûn - The Sword Coast CH. 1
Areon walked down the dirt road, heading south east towards waterdeep. He walked on his toes like dragons did, the rest of his foot making up part of his double jointed leg. As he walked his claws on his toes left a trail of scratch marks in the dirt. Areon was bitter towards humans, very bitter. They had kicked him out of his home, out of pure prejudice, and fear of an 'abomination' he didn't consider himself an abomination at all. Humans fear anything that's different, fear it or plain old hate it. Areon hadn't hurt anyone to be kicked out of his home, had not even provoked a guard. Now he's forced to be an exile in a world filled with humans. Even with elves he faced prejudice, but not as much as humans. He sighed thinking about his past.
There wasn't much to look at while he walked. Just grass to either side of him. He thought about summoning his fammiliar, Trarc, but then thought against it, thinking the humans would disagree and turn him away from the city. Though he could always fly into the city, but then be hunted by the guards. His wings had begun to become stiff, He didn't fly often for the reason of being easily seen. Though an arrow probably wouldn't pierce his scales, he still doesn't like being shot at. He looked up, about 30 yards away was a sign, as he neared the sign it said. 'Welcome to Waterdeep'. He doubted he'd be welcome in the city, though they'll let him in. Most of the time they'd give him crappy rooms, and crappy prices to stay in an inn. He always got the low end rooms, and low end treatment. He knew he was superior to humans in every way. He was stronger, more agile, He could hear almost as well as a dragon, smell half as well as a dragon, and most of the time all half dragons had these traits, including better eyesite than elves.
Minutes later he neared the gate. He stopped as a guard yelled. Halt Who goes there! I am Areon, a Half Dragon! Areon replied, and it took awhile for the guards to decide on whether to let him in or not. Alright half dragon we'll let you in! The guard yelled, and the gates began opening. Areon walk in. The streets were bustling Peasants and traders bartering, merchants were yelling to sell their goods. Everyone in Areon's imediate vicinity stared, in prejudice, and fear. Areon walked through the crowd, the claws on his toes making very quiet scratching sounds as he walked on the paved brick road. He arrived at an inn, The Drunken Ogre. He walked inside, and was met by watchful eyes, and a few thugs. He pushed through the thugs, and they just stood there trying to look intimidating. But still yet Areon was taller than they were, and still he could see fear on their faces, even though they hid it well. He sat down at the counter. Red wine. He said, placing a gold coin on the counter. The bartender got him the wine without saying anything, but with a little hesitation. Areon began drinking the wine, the alcohol having no affect, another Half dragon and dragon trait, alcohol doesn't affect them. He just drank it because it tasted good.
There wasn't much to look at while he walked. Just grass to either side of him. He thought about summoning his fammiliar, Trarc, but then thought against it, thinking the humans would disagree and turn him away from the city. Though he could always fly into the city, but then be hunted by the guards. His wings had begun to become stiff, He didn't fly often for the reason of being easily seen. Though an arrow probably wouldn't pierce his scales, he still doesn't like being shot at. He looked up, about 30 yards away was a sign, as he neared the sign it said. 'Welcome to Waterdeep'. He doubted he'd be welcome in the city, though they'll let him in. Most of the time they'd give him crappy rooms, and crappy prices to stay in an inn. He always got the low end rooms, and low end treatment. He knew he was superior to humans in every way. He was stronger, more agile, He could hear almost as well as a dragon, smell half as well as a dragon, and most of the time all half dragons had these traits, including better eyesite than elves.
Minutes later he neared the gate. He stopped as a guard yelled. Halt Who goes there! I am Areon, a Half Dragon! Areon replied, and it took awhile for the guards to decide on whether to let him in or not. Alright half dragon we'll let you in! The guard yelled, and the gates began opening. Areon walk in. The streets were bustling Peasants and traders bartering, merchants were yelling to sell their goods. Everyone in Areon's imediate vicinity stared, in prejudice, and fear. Areon walked through the crowd, the claws on his toes making very quiet scratching sounds as he walked on the paved brick road. He arrived at an inn, The Drunken Ogre. He walked inside, and was met by watchful eyes, and a few thugs. He pushed through the thugs, and they just stood there trying to look intimidating. But still yet Areon was taller than they were, and still he could see fear on their faces, even though they hid it well. He sat down at the counter. Red wine. He said, placing a gold coin on the counter. The bartender got him the wine without saying anything, but with a little hesitation. Areon began drinking the wine, the alcohol having no affect, another Half dragon and dragon trait, alcohol doesn't affect them. He just drank it because it tasted good.
- Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jadrian heard the cries, and saw the...half-dragon?...walk in the gates. He finished splinting the soldiers leg that he was working on, and ran after the half-dragon. he saw him running into the Drunken Ogre, and ran after him. After looking around, and nodding to the Innkeeper, he sat across from the half-dragon. He frowned; "You know, that nuch alcohol is going to flatten you, and that will be very, very bad. Those thugs you walked by will steal your purse, and...well, you don't want to know. m'names' Jadrian by the way." He offered his hand, shaking a bit, then he noticed the dragon's eyes weren't bloodshot or anything, even after drinking that much wine. He blinked, and stared at the half-dragon.
- Cyberspace Addict
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- Location: In The Sink? Drowning? In Beer? Of Course...
Desi ordered a small glass of mild ale and placed two silver coins on the bar for the bartender. He was attempting to forget the rest of the last few years for he had been forcibily removed from his home for using 'using magic unnecessarily.’
Suddenly he heard a gasp from behind him and turned to investigate. He saw a half dragon sitting at a table talking to a human. At 6`3" the half dragon was the same height as Desi and Desi had significant enough magic to defend himself so he decided to talk to him. His green eyes glinted as the pale skinned half elf made his way cautiously across the bar. As the reached the half dragon and his companions table he indicated the empty chair at the side and said: 'Hey I'm Desi, i wondered what a half dragon was doing round these parts? Could i sit here?'
Suddenly he heard a gasp from behind him and turned to investigate. He saw a half dragon sitting at a table talking to a human. At 6`3" the half dragon was the same height as Desi and Desi had significant enough magic to defend himself so he decided to talk to him. His green eyes glinted as the pale skinned half elf made his way cautiously across the bar. As the reached the half dragon and his companions table he indicated the empty chair at the side and said: 'Hey I'm Desi, i wondered what a half dragon was doing round these parts? Could i sit here?'
"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Areon listened to things around him, ever wary of danger. A human had always tried to knife him before in an inn or tavern. All the human who had broke or bent their knifes on his scales. And then Areon would occasionaly kill the man with his claws. Those were the times to leave a town right away. The world was unfair to his kind. The one thing he loved, and could do was be an adventurer, he has slain five dragons already, all chromatics. He would never hurt a gem or metallic dragon.
"You know, that nuch alcohol is going to flatten you, and that will be very, very bad. Those thugs you walked by will steal your purse, and...well, you don't want to know. m'names' Jadrian by the way." He looked up at the human, then looked to his hand.
He wasn't going to get drunk over a little wine. He looked coldly into the human's eyes, signaling 'No'. Areon was too bitter to human sometimes, though he didn't realize. They were mean and cruel to him, he treated them the same.
'Hey I'm Desi, i wondered what a half dragon was doing round these parts? Could i sit here? Asked a half-elf. Areon had heard him walk up. He turned his head to look at the half elf. Sure, I suppose.....I am Areon, What is it you want? He said bitterly, taking another sip of red wine.
"You know, that nuch alcohol is going to flatten you, and that will be very, very bad. Those thugs you walked by will steal your purse, and...well, you don't want to know. m'names' Jadrian by the way." He looked up at the human, then looked to his hand.
He wasn't going to get drunk over a little wine. He looked coldly into the human's eyes, signaling 'No'. Areon was too bitter to human sometimes, though he didn't realize. They were mean and cruel to him, he treated them the same.
'Hey I'm Desi, i wondered what a half dragon was doing round these parts? Could i sit here? Asked a half-elf. Areon had heard him walk up. He turned his head to look at the half elf. Sure, I suppose.....I am Areon, What is it you want? He said bitterly, taking another sip of red wine.
- Youthful Werewolf
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- Location: In a little city in texas
Mia had her hood up as she walked into the pub she needed money and bad she whought maybe she could jack the purses of a thug or someone really drunk. As she slowly made her way accross the room she noticed the man sitting with a boy haveing drink after drink. Surely... She thought maliciously hes too drunk to notice that fat purse i see being lightly jerked from his robe... She crept towards the man and was about to steal the fat purse hanging from his robe pocket when she was grabed by the wrist by one of the bigest thugs there and slamed onto a table " Well look who it is boys?!" The thug sung out to his posse "Its that theif that was in here last week steal from our gang!" Said one of the bigger and stupider ones. The bracelt on her arm made it so not only were they not able to see her tail and ears but her strengh was put to that of a regular human as well. SHit shit shit! she thought watching them then pulling there weapons out when their bosses voice rang out " Stop! Lets not kill her he said with a horribly grin let flog her and teach her never to steal from our group again shall we?" He said pointing at the door. "YEA!" They all yelled drawing attention from neighboring tables. Mia was tied up and draged outside where they riped her clock and cape off to show her open back. They were readying the wip and she still only had the strengh of the average women. and there was no way she would be able to get out of this one espiestially if they left her tied up. She would not be able to regenerate. Wait! She yelled looking frightened at the wip the towards the pub window which had many veiwers looking out not dareing to come to her aid. but then she thought. theres no one here to save me this time... and she bowed her head and grit her teeth for the pain she was sure was not far away
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Areon stopped drinking his half empty bottle of wine, and slammed it on the table. He heard some thugs talking to a woman, more or less punishing her for something. He looked over to them, and saw her being tied up. He got up, and turned around to see them taking the woman outside. He might hate humans, but he didn't like a woman being treated like that, no matter the race.
Areon walked outside, following the thugs. He shut the door behind himself, and waited for the right moment to strike. The woman had some clothes taken off to reveal her back, she was going to get whipped. Areon gritted his teeth, and bared his razor sharp teeth. He was angry, the men took out a whip, and Areon put his right hand on the hilt of his sword, wyrms bane, and pulled it out of it's sheathe. The magic yellow blade glowed, glowed with light, and power. Wyrms bane was indeed a very powerful sword, and Areon was the only one able to wield it, for if anyone besides himself touched it, the blade would dissapear, rendering it useless, to the unrightful wielder. He picked up his right, double jointed leg, took a step forward, picking up his left double jointed leg, he gained speed, and charged at the thug with the whip. HHe held his sword up high, and slashed down at the man's right arm, the arm holding the whip, the sword slashed right through, leaving half an arm on the ground. He then stopped infront of the thug a second later, and stabbed the sword through the man's gut, the blade exiting out his back, he pulled the sword out. He did this using only one hand, keeping his left hand free to use magic and fight with his claws. He took a step back, he held his left arm out to the left, palm open facing the thugs, and the sword off a little to the right, infront of him. The thugs looked at their fallen comrade, and soon fled the scene, in fear of the deadly sword. Areon sheathed Wyrms Bane, and walked towards the girl, picking up the clothes on the ground with his right hand. and then he slashed his pointer finger claw, on his left hand at the rope bounding the woman's hands together, cutting her free Are you alright? Areon said, hlding her clothes out to the woman
Areon walked outside, following the thugs. He shut the door behind himself, and waited for the right moment to strike. The woman had some clothes taken off to reveal her back, she was going to get whipped. Areon gritted his teeth, and bared his razor sharp teeth. He was angry, the men took out a whip, and Areon put his right hand on the hilt of his sword, wyrms bane, and pulled it out of it's sheathe. The magic yellow blade glowed, glowed with light, and power. Wyrms bane was indeed a very powerful sword, and Areon was the only one able to wield it, for if anyone besides himself touched it, the blade would dissapear, rendering it useless, to the unrightful wielder. He picked up his right, double jointed leg, took a step forward, picking up his left double jointed leg, he gained speed, and charged at the thug with the whip. HHe held his sword up high, and slashed down at the man's right arm, the arm holding the whip, the sword slashed right through, leaving half an arm on the ground. He then stopped infront of the thug a second later, and stabbed the sword through the man's gut, the blade exiting out his back, he pulled the sword out. He did this using only one hand, keeping his left hand free to use magic and fight with his claws. He took a step back, he held his left arm out to the left, palm open facing the thugs, and the sword off a little to the right, infront of him. The thugs looked at their fallen comrade, and soon fled the scene, in fear of the deadly sword. Areon sheathed Wyrms Bane, and walked towards the girl, picking up the clothes on the ground with his right hand. and then he slashed his pointer finger claw, on his left hand at the rope bounding the woman's hands together, cutting her free Are you alright? Areon said, hlding her clothes out to the woman
- Youthful Werewolf
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- Location: In a little city in texas
Mia looked into this mans eyes she was now glad she had not stolen from him for the showing he had just made.Im ok... Mia said putting her cloak back on and her cape. The man oviously thought her human so he had to show someone as powerful as him her own strengh. She held up her braceleted arm and pointed at it She this? She saidI know you are a half dragon and im telling you right now im not just a human. She twisted one of the many sapphires on the bracelet and her ears and tail appeared as did her eyes sharpen. Im a werewolf this bracelet hides the features that show this fact off. And it suppresses my werewolf strengh and power that was the only reason i let you help me or else i would have killed them all SHe scowled at the man Im Mia She said And im afraid im going to have to travel with you until i pay off my dept. I dont want to fell like i owe you something so hello and whats your name? feining happiness
- Dragonfish Warrior
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- Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Mordin saw the lady being forced outside and be prepared to be whiped, and took ahold of the hilt of his sword, but saw one of his kin approch with a look in his eye that told him violence was going to ensue. When the thugs had fled he strode up to the half-dragon.
"That's some great swordsmanship, stranger. I would've helped, but" I guestured to the arm and blood spilt on the dirt and stone path, "I think you handled it quite well-- a little messy though." I took out a small vial of brown liquid, and poured it on the arm and the body. It dissinigrated, without a trace of smell or blood. "A concoction of mine; destroys dead tissue, nice Eh? How bout we go inside and have a drink? I'll buy." I turned to the woman on the ground. "Your welcome to join us if you like."
"That's some great swordsmanship, stranger. I would've helped, but" I guestured to the arm and blood spilt on the dirt and stone path, "I think you handled it quite well-- a little messy though." I took out a small vial of brown liquid, and poured it on the arm and the body. It dissinigrated, without a trace of smell or blood. "A concoction of mine; destroys dead tissue, nice Eh? How bout we go inside and have a drink? I'll buy." I turned to the woman on the ground. "Your welcome to join us if you like."
Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
- Solitary Serpent
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Ersska heard the commotion from her spot in the alleyway.
"Crazy humans. What are they up to now?" she laughed to herself. She slowly made her way towards the crowd. A few terror-stricken men fled past her away from the crowd. This peaked her interest. She reached the middle of the group just in time to see a werewolf revealing herself to someone. Whoever it was had their back to her.
"You've got a lotta guts kid. Or either you're just plum crazy," Ersska thought to herself. Then, a bronze half-dragon entered the picture and began cleaning up the mess. The wolf's "friend" turned around. He was a half-dragon as well. . .but silver.
"What?! No. . .It can't be! That can't be him! Too young, but looks just like. . .," She found a place to blend in and watched as the trio talked. The bronze was gesturing back to the bar, and the others seem to agree. Ersska decided to keep an eye on this little trio.
"Crazy humans. What are they up to now?" she laughed to herself. She slowly made her way towards the crowd. A few terror-stricken men fled past her away from the crowd. This peaked her interest. She reached the middle of the group just in time to see a werewolf revealing herself to someone. Whoever it was had their back to her.
"You've got a lotta guts kid. Or either you're just plum crazy," Ersska thought to herself. Then, a bronze half-dragon entered the picture and began cleaning up the mess. The wolf's "friend" turned around. He was a half-dragon as well. . .but silver.
"What?! No. . .It can't be! That can't be him! Too young, but looks just like. . .," She found a place to blend in and watched as the trio talked. The bronze was gesturing back to the bar, and the others seem to agree. Ersska decided to keep an eye on this little trio.
Last edited by Ersska on Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .
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- Location: In The Sink? Drowning? In Beer? Of Course...
Desi turned to the human that had been sitting with Areon ,decided against saying anything and then stood up and saw through the door that Areon was stood by the girl who had been attacked and saw that she was actually a werewolf. Another Half dragon had joined him and was gesturing back at the bar. Desi noticed a pale figure that, although she was trying to blend in with the crowd, his keen eyes picked out as watching the trio intently. Desi walked towards the door and reached the group. 'Nice fighting Areon' Desi had one hand on the hilt of Thrax his short sword as he made a sweep of the area before determining that the thugs had fled. 'What happened anyway?' He said to Areon as he did not know the other two and knew that under the circumstances they would be wary of anyone that showed a particular interest and wasn't known to any of them.
"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
- Solitary Serpent
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- Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
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Ersska spotted yet another figure emerging from the bar and joining the trio.
"An elf! *hiss* Stupid creature! He'll ruin me!" She hissed angrily and retreated back to her alleyway. She had to think of a plan. She had to find out who the silver was and where he was from. And she wasn't going to let an elf (or half-elf for that matter) ruin it. Ersska decided that the silver and the bronze wouldn't be too hard to find again, so she decided to make herself scarce until the elf disappeared.
"They'll probably be in the bar for a while. Or at least in the city. I have time to do a little something," and with that she disappeared out of the other side of the alley and down the street.
"An elf! *hiss* Stupid creature! He'll ruin me!" She hissed angrily and retreated back to her alleyway. She had to think of a plan. She had to find out who the silver was and where he was from. And she wasn't going to let an elf (or half-elf for that matter) ruin it. Ersska decided that the silver and the bronze wouldn't be too hard to find again, so she decided to make herself scarce until the elf disappeared.
"They'll probably be in the bar for a while. Or at least in the city. I have time to do a little something," and with that she disappeared out of the other side of the alley and down the street.
Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .
- Cyberspace Addict
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- Location: In The Sink? Drowning? In Beer? Of Course...
Desi's suspicions were confirmed as the woman looked at him and then made her way hastefully away. I should find out what she wants, she was probably spying on the dragons so she''ll be back' He thought. He smiled to himself before turning back to Areon.
"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Areon watch Mia as she turned into a werewolf, and she began saying something aobut joining with him. He didn't like the idea, but then again, she wasn't human either. He decided. You may travel with me, and I am Areon He said, sounding reluctant. He heard something walk up from behind him, and from it's footfalls it wasn't human, it was more like what sound he made when walking. He turned around, almost hitting Mia in the face with his left wing. It was a Bronze half dragon, he didn't give a scowling look to him, like he did with humans and elves. That's some great swordsmanship, stranger. I would've helped, but" The bronze half dragon said, gesturing to his arm. I think you handled it quite well-- a little messy though." Humans get what they deserve Areon said.
The Bronze Half Dragon took out a vial of brown liquid and poured it onto his arm, the dead tissue going away, and healing. Neat healing potion. Areon said. "A concoction of mine; destroys dead tissue, nice Eh? How bout we go inside and have a drink? I'll buy." I've already have a drink waiting for me in there. Areon said, not even a grin on his face.
The half elf Desi came out, and said something to areon, which he ignored, pushing past him, and into the bar, not shutting the door behind him, so that the others didn't need to push it open. He sat back at his table, and picked up his wine. He began drinking it again.
The Bronze Half Dragon took out a vial of brown liquid and poured it onto his arm, the dead tissue going away, and healing. Neat healing potion. Areon said. "A concoction of mine; destroys dead tissue, nice Eh? How bout we go inside and have a drink? I'll buy." I've already have a drink waiting for me in there. Areon said, not even a grin on his face.
The half elf Desi came out, and said something to areon, which he ignored, pushing past him, and into the bar, not shutting the door behind him, so that the others didn't need to push it open. He sat back at his table, and picked up his wine. He began drinking it again.
- Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jadrian hadn't moved, and was still sitting at the table. THe look he gave Areon was full of respect, but not awe. He had seen slightly better swordsmanshi, but...anyway. "Quite a swordarm you have there... I haven't seen one for years. Anyway. it appears that this has gathered you quite a crowd. And remember. In this city, that is probably the most trustful barman. all the same, watch your purse while you sleep..." Jadrian caught a look from Aeron that probably meant 'shut up, I knew that, so he grew quiet, and looked around. His eyes caught sight of Mia, and he stared at her. There was something about this girl, Something he just could not place...
- Dragonfish Warrior
- Posts: 2248
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- Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Mordin sat next to the Silver Half-Dragon, and spoke to the barman. "I will have the usual, please, put it on my tab. Oh, yes and give the lady whatever she wishes, that way she can refrain from pickpocketing anyone else." Mordin said with a chuckle, and a wink in her direction. The bartender pored him a black looking substance and I turned back towards the Silver. "I don't beleve I've introduced myself; You may call me Mordin--thats what I am called around these parts. I came hear I while back searching for something....." I sipped the drink, wincing a little at the bitterness. "Anyway I never found it, whatever it was." I looked off into the distance, my mind thousands of miles away for a split second. "Anyway enough about me. What about you? What brings you here, to this 'theves den'?"
Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
- Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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- Location: Boredom, USA
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- Cyberspace Addict
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- Joined: Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:38 pm
- Location: In The Sink? Drowning? In Beer? Of Course...
Desi moved back as Areon pushed past and after checking that the strange girl was gone he followed the others back in to the tavern. He picked up his drink from the table where the bronze dragon was buying the werewolf a drink. The human was sat too one side and as Desi neared he caught him saying 'In this city, that is probably the most trustful barman. all the same, watch your purse while you sleep...' then he shut up, probably from a look from the silver half dragon. Desi walked behind the human, tapped him on the shoulder and said 'You'd be wise to respect him,you know. He has obviously travelled so knows what he's doing' Your right about getting your money stolen though he thought. He slid into the chair by the human and asked him 'What's your name anyway stranger?'
"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands
- Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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- Location: Boredom, USA
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- Youthful Werewolf
- Posts: 460
- Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:17 pm
- Location: In a little city in texas
Mia scowled at the childs back. She had never met a more Arrogant human. She was still scowling when he turned and caught her eye. she turned away quickly but she knew he had caught her scowl. She drank the drink knowing she would regret it later she drained the glass and feigning politeness asked for more. She was on her 14th glass and the dragons were still talking. She wanted to leave this human infested place as soon as possible for the smell to a werewolf is repulsive. She gave Areon's back a reproachful look drained another glassed and once again feigning politeness asked for more.
- Master Old Dragon
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- Location: California
Perched on a roof peak like a gleaming stone gargoyle, was a dragon extremely rare in these parts...extremely rare anywhere in the world, actually. The Phase Dragon was a dying breed; had been for ten thousand years.
Ilelan stared down at the street below with the colorless eyes characteristic of her species, motionless, poised like a blood hound...not even a scale lifted for long long moments.
Her stillness was disturbed by an incidence happening down below, just outside an inn called The Drunken Ogre.
Hardly a flattering name, but she's heard worse in five thousand years, she was sure. She noticed at least two half dragons in the group, and her eyes zeroed in on them.
She took in their signatures and analyzed them. One a Silver, the other Bronze. There was a were, a half-elf, and a human as well. Any others were lost among the groups of thick headed thugs trying to beat the were.
Slim chance, certainly. Ilelan shook her head slightly. The big Silver blundered into their midst and killed one of them, and the others fled. She'd seen more grace in a fight from a dead body. And some of the fights she's witnessed or taken part in could curl the toes of any of them down there.
Below, the group retreated into the inn again, and Ilelan shifted, spreading her huge wings, stretching the long digits out. She had dwelled here in the city for quite a while, actually a resident. She was a regular sight to see up in the better parts of town. She usually didn't visit the slums, but she's been looking for a fight lately, and here was the capitol of thieves and wannabe real fighters.
Her wide mouth split in a gryn, and loosed a 'waaauuuurrrrsskkeeeeech', her warning to those below that she was descending to the street. If they didn't understand the meaning of it, they would at least flee before looking up to see the source of the loud screech.
Ilelan leaped out gracefully and landed in the middle of the street, well clear from the buildings on either side.
Fully the size of a large Shire horse, Ilelan was five thousand years old and still very young for her species. She was a gleaming irridescent white. People of all mixed species stood around and watched her, in awe, in fear, in amazement or curiousity. Twice as powerful as any Half, but hardly on the scale compared to the old ones of her kind, like her mother.
Nearby a human stared at her in a hostile manner. Ilelan glared back fearlessly, and the cowardly creature looked away.
Humans. Despite having spent most of her life in the shape of one, she still thought some were worse than boars.
She wandered over to the inn doors. They were wide enough to admit her, for sure. Ilelan bumped them lightly with her nose a few times, then resisted the urge that she had to just rip them off the hinges, and instead shoved through them bodily. People scattered as she entered the inn, turning her head this way and that and challenging all eyes that met hers. They looked away, knowing a fight with the Phase Dragon would result in nil for them.
Ilelan strode bold as brass straight up to the bartender and his counter. He stared at her somewhat fearfully.
She grew coy and warning toned, and slapped a shining coin on the counter top.
"I want the strongest drink you have in the largest container you've got," she said, her voice sounding in broad resonant tones. "And I'll think kindly of ye," she added darkly.
The bartender hurriedly took the coin, hand crafted from one of her own very valuable scales, and brought her a large flagon of dark fragrant ale.
Ilelan sat, took the drink in her clawed hand and pounded it down. Several male patrons watched in admiration as she poured the ale straight down her throat.
She set it down delicately, and scanned the room for the Half's she'd seen earlier. They were there, at another table.
Ilelan watched them surreptitiously.
Ilelan stared down at the street below with the colorless eyes characteristic of her species, motionless, poised like a blood hound...not even a scale lifted for long long moments.
Her stillness was disturbed by an incidence happening down below, just outside an inn called The Drunken Ogre.
Hardly a flattering name, but she's heard worse in five thousand years, she was sure. She noticed at least two half dragons in the group, and her eyes zeroed in on them.
She took in their signatures and analyzed them. One a Silver, the other Bronze. There was a were, a half-elf, and a human as well. Any others were lost among the groups of thick headed thugs trying to beat the were.
Slim chance, certainly. Ilelan shook her head slightly. The big Silver blundered into their midst and killed one of them, and the others fled. She'd seen more grace in a fight from a dead body. And some of the fights she's witnessed or taken part in could curl the toes of any of them down there.
Below, the group retreated into the inn again, and Ilelan shifted, spreading her huge wings, stretching the long digits out. She had dwelled here in the city for quite a while, actually a resident. She was a regular sight to see up in the better parts of town. She usually didn't visit the slums, but she's been looking for a fight lately, and here was the capitol of thieves and wannabe real fighters.
Her wide mouth split in a gryn, and loosed a 'waaauuuurrrrsskkeeeeech', her warning to those below that she was descending to the street. If they didn't understand the meaning of it, they would at least flee before looking up to see the source of the loud screech.
Ilelan leaped out gracefully and landed in the middle of the street, well clear from the buildings on either side.
Fully the size of a large Shire horse, Ilelan was five thousand years old and still very young for her species. She was a gleaming irridescent white. People of all mixed species stood around and watched her, in awe, in fear, in amazement or curiousity. Twice as powerful as any Half, but hardly on the scale compared to the old ones of her kind, like her mother.
Nearby a human stared at her in a hostile manner. Ilelan glared back fearlessly, and the cowardly creature looked away.
Humans. Despite having spent most of her life in the shape of one, she still thought some were worse than boars.
She wandered over to the inn doors. They were wide enough to admit her, for sure. Ilelan bumped them lightly with her nose a few times, then resisted the urge that she had to just rip them off the hinges, and instead shoved through them bodily. People scattered as she entered the inn, turning her head this way and that and challenging all eyes that met hers. They looked away, knowing a fight with the Phase Dragon would result in nil for them.
Ilelan strode bold as brass straight up to the bartender and his counter. He stared at her somewhat fearfully.
She grew coy and warning toned, and slapped a shining coin on the counter top.
"I want the strongest drink you have in the largest container you've got," she said, her voice sounding in broad resonant tones. "And I'll think kindly of ye," she added darkly.
The bartender hurriedly took the coin, hand crafted from one of her own very valuable scales, and brought her a large flagon of dark fragrant ale.
Ilelan sat, took the drink in her clawed hand and pounded it down. Several male patrons watched in admiration as she poured the ale straight down her throat.
She set it down delicately, and scanned the room for the Half's she'd seen earlier. They were there, at another table.
Ilelan watched them surreptitiously.
Fear sam bith a loisgeas a mhà s, ‘s e fhèin a dh’fheumas suidhe air.
Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim.
Is ladarna gach cù air a shitig fhèin.

Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim.
Is ladarna gach cù air a shitig fhèin.

- Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jadrian rolled his eyes, and sat back in the chair. Then he glanced at Mia again. He finally realized where he had seen her before. One of the soldiers at the barracks had a drawing that someone had drawn of the killer of an entire village somewhere to the east. He stood up, and quicklyy drew his sword, then, hiding it behind his leg, he began to wind his way to the door. The soldiers needed to know about this. Then he glanced over his soldier at her again. No, wait, that wasn't her. It looked like that woman on the poster when the light hit her face right, but not the rest of the time. He grimaced, sheathed his sword, and walked over to her. "Erm...Miss, do you require healing?" As he spoke, he tapped the magic, and his hands glowed with the healing light.
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Areon was just finishing his wine, when something walked into the bar. He chugged the rest of the wine, and looked at what walked in, a dragon, a kind he did not know. He has seen most dragons, and pictures of ones he had not seen personally. But this one wasn't a metallic, a gem, or a chromatic. This one was entirely new to him, and it looked hostile. He placed his hand on the hilt of Wyrm's Bane, his sword, the pure arcane magic could rip through armor, and dragon scales easily. It was an ancient sword, said to have ancient magic in it. But all he knew was that it had arcane magic in it, very powerful arcane magic, magic that abosolutely no dispell could dispell it.
He noticed the dragon looking over towards their table, and turned to look back at his so called new 'friends'. We should be wary of that one of there.. He whispered, he knew the dragon heard him, for he had just twenty five percent less sensitive senses as all dragons, that was due to his human blood. If a fight should occur, it would be a long drawn out one indeed. His scales were hard, weaker than a dragon's but the only dragon that bit him the only one that could bite through his scales would be an ancient dragon, well one that's much bigger than the one staring at them. We should prepare our selves for a fight..... He whispered. He seriously didn't trust this dragon the least bit.
He noticed the dragon looking over towards their table, and turned to look back at his so called new 'friends'. We should be wary of that one of there.. He whispered, he knew the dragon heard him, for he had just twenty five percent less sensitive senses as all dragons, that was due to his human blood. If a fight should occur, it would be a long drawn out one indeed. His scales were hard, weaker than a dragon's but the only dragon that bit him the only one that could bite through his scales would be an ancient dragon, well one that's much bigger than the one staring at them. We should prepare our selves for a fight..... He whispered. He seriously didn't trust this dragon the least bit.
- Solitary Serpent
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- Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
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A few streets over, Ersska heard the dragon's cry.
"Oh, great. She's come, too." Ersska had been in Waterdeep long enough to know about Ilelan. Ersska knew that the Phase stayed in the better part of town. What was she doing here? There was only one reason Ersska could think of: the Phase must have spotted the others and taken an interest in them. Ersska cursed under her breath. More people would only make her task harder. She spun around and headed back to the tavern.
When she reached the tavern, Ersska glanced into the window. Ilelan had just ordered a drink. The silver was saying something to his new-found "friends". From the way he was looking, he was talking about Ilelan. From the silver's expression, Ersska could tell that nothing good would come of this. She quickly scaled the walls and settled on the roof. From here, she shouldn't be spotted, and she could keep an eye and ear open for any trouble that might be brewing.
"Oh, great. She's come, too." Ersska had been in Waterdeep long enough to know about Ilelan. Ersska knew that the Phase stayed in the better part of town. What was she doing here? There was only one reason Ersska could think of: the Phase must have spotted the others and taken an interest in them. Ersska cursed under her breath. More people would only make her task harder. She spun around and headed back to the tavern.
When she reached the tavern, Ersska glanced into the window. Ilelan had just ordered a drink. The silver was saying something to his new-found "friends". From the way he was looking, he was talking about Ilelan. From the silver's expression, Ersska could tell that nothing good would come of this. She quickly scaled the walls and settled on the roof. From here, she shouldn't be spotted, and she could keep an eye and ear open for any trouble that might be brewing.
Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .
- Dragonfish Warrior
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- Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Mordin eyed the dragon whom just entered the tavern. "Yes I agree this could be trouble. Don't jump to conclusions though we don't want a fight in the middle of town, if we can help it. Lives are lives, human or not." He then took a potion from the pouch at his belt and shook it up. "If things get nasty we can always back out; I have the means to cover our tracks." He whispered silently to the Silver Half-Dragon.
Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
- Youthful Werewolf
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- Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:17 pm
- Location: In a little city in texas
Mia griped the hilt of her katana too she really didnt feel like fighting but just incase she twisted a sapphire on the bracelet and put her hood up to cover her ears(What?I cant go out in public like this! She said to the inquirying looks) "She looked at the child and said, "No...Im ok..."She said almost scowling.