Lands of Ellismirda
- Knowledgeable Dragon
- Posts: 242
- Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:10 pm
Lands of Ellismirda
'Down Down, into the darkness, down into the realm of chaos, down into the land of fire, there the beast of all that is vile, waits, for this is the land of chaos, where the Jewel of the Dragon waits. Forlorn, and lost, what can you hope, death, glory? No those are not the things that make the warrior, it is his wits. Brawns will not save you here, in the Land of Fire where the Beast Guardian of the Jewel lays asleep. Wizard Spell, nor Knightly sword will reign supreme, it is the intellect behind these tools that will win. Dragon Rider, this is our legacy, this is our quest, let evil not hold to your soul, but instead let your mind control your soul, and thus control your blade or spell. Remember this lesson, for it will be told only once, listen well, listen here, Wits and courage will win your through, glory and gold is only secondary.' - Dragon Rider, Master Julgor
The Dragon Rider, a dying breed. Steel clashes against Steel on the battlefield once more, this time, with less magic than before. Men of Arcane Might are hard to come by these days. Halaster, the Wizard Emperor of Ellismirda, is now Emperor. Halaster's army is spread throughout the kingdom, but his army of red dragons is his personal bodyguard, controlling them with the Scepter of Red Dragons, he has even pushed the other dragons out of the Empire itself.
Ellismirda is a lush land, mostly forests, and small plains, with fertile soil, to the north however, is wintery, and forsaking, to the west lays the desert of Alkeron. To the South, the Plains of the Forlorn, and to the east, the Swamps of Torgoth.
Ellismirda, to the northern part is it's capital, the city of Yurigon, this place is burnt, and unfertile, from the red dragons and their nests. Towards the middle, is many villages, and farming communities who produce the surplus of food. To the west, south and east, are the rougher, frontier towns, and cities, these places are attacked by outsiders every few years, and must be well defended by it's inhabitants.
To the North, the wintery lands of mountains, is where the frost dragons reside, with few riders.
To the east, the Swamps of Torgoth, the main host of Dragon Riders, only about five, and a few dozens of dragons reside.
To the south, the Plains of the Forlorn, barbarians and raiders live to attack frontier villages of Ellismirda.
To the west, the Deserts of Alkeron, the camel riding monsters called the Scarath reside, to attack the western edges.
Like a previous rp of mine, Dragons and Riders are going to be played seperately.
However, I am severely limiting the riders to only 3, that's 6 players.
Everyone will start off without a dragon, be they a knight, clergy member, guard, blacksmith, peasant, anything is alright, as long as it isn't the position higher than lord.
If your character uses full plate, you must give a good reason as to why he or she has full plate armor, for this armor is very expensive, the equivalent of fifty milk cows.
Mithral, and Adamantine are hard to come by, so it is unlikely you'll start off with anything greater than a steel longsword, or yew longbow.
Keep the races within reason.
Each Dragon must have an element, of these types:
Elemements that ARE NOT allowed are:
Dragons have leathery scales, instead of rock hard ones, for a weakness, though some may have rock hard scales, with a huge flaw in their armor.
Dragons with Leathery scales, may have greater strength, dexterity, or eyesight.
Dragons with Rock hard scales, are clumsy, and have less strength, due to their scales restricting movement, and muscles unable to fully stretch underneath.
Humans are the dominant race in this world.
Character Sheet:
Name : Falcor Silverhide
Race : Half Human, Half Silver Dragon
Gender : Male
Age : 40
Height : 6'3''
Powers : Glide, Flight, Darkvision, lowlight vision, breath of frost, and immunity to cold, unnaturally strong due to being of draconic blood, unnaturally good eyesight.
Weapons :
Dragonfang: This blade is a double edged Longsword, the blade is 34 inches long, the hilt makes it capable to be used in one, or two hands. The entire blade is made of Adamantine, silver-gray in color, and impossibly sharp, for adamantine, once forged is very hard, and tough, and will not lose an edge even if used in thousands upon thousands of battles. The crosspiece, depicts the wings of a dragon, while the handle is the neck, and the pommel is the head. In the eye sockets are two red jewels, that glow a fierce red, the blade's edge glows a red hot color, inflicting firey terror upon the enemy.
Arbalest(Heavy Crossbow): This weapon, is normally slung over Falcor's back, along with a quiver of bolts, which hold fifty. This is a beutifully made weapon of war, much of it made to look like that of scales, or a dragon, on the front end is a metallic foothole, to be placed onto the ground, while the hands are free to pull the taught string back. It is specially made, so the bolt doesn't fall out when pointing towards the ground, it's a loose holding mechanism, so that it doesn't interfere with firing of the crossbow.
Hunting Knife: This is the Generic knife, straight edged steel blade.
Animals, beasts : None, so far.
Appearance : Falcor is fearsome in his own right, though not of his own fault. This half dragon is covered in silvery scales, his face is elongated into a muzzle, with ear frills on the sides of his head, that can open and close as need be. A few of his serrated teeth stick out from his mouth, when closed. Hornlets run up his snout, and split to run along his eye ridges, there are none on the back of his head or neck. Two wings sprout from his shoulderblades, when folded, both are five feet long, and when unfolded, they give him the wingspan of twenty feet. His hands are clawed, with three inch long claws, his legs are digitgrade, giving him the feet of a digitigraded anime, no boot fits him. He has a 5'5'' long tail, it is thick, and muscular. He has a medium-heavy built. His eyes are blue, with dragon-like slitted pupils.
Clothes: On his torso, is a self-made brown-linen tunic, he wears long linen shorts, for no actual trousers, fit his legs correctly, or accomodate his tail nearly as well. Over that, is a hauberk of padding. Over his armor, he wears his belt, of which his scabbard and sword are on, on the left side of his hip. Wears gloves on his hands to stop himself from accidently hurting someone with his clawed hands. Clasped about his shoulders is a finely made, wool cloak, to keep him warm during colder seasons, and offer some protection.
Armor: Wears a hauberk of finely linked steel chainmail, with sleeves for the arms, the armor appears as a solid coat, with very small holes, looking to be of dwarven make. Over the Hauberk of chain, is a steel cuirass, steel pauldrons, and single plates on the outer side of the biceps and forearms. Strapped to his back, is a kite shield, horizontally across, this is until it is needed, or running away from a barrage of arrows. On his head, is usually a steel helmet, specifically made to fit around his hornlets, and on his snout, and around his ear frills, making him an even more terrifying sight.
Character : Though terrifying at first glance, one would see, on closer inspection, and perhaps a talk with this creature, that he is a king, courageous being, of a goodly weal. Though never showing it, it does upset him when people try to avoid him in fear of his draconic appearance, but knowing he can do little to stop them, or change his appearance, he lives with being the offspring of a dragon and a human, a rare courtship, that never last very long. Dragonfang, was the only gift he ever recieved from his father, a dragon. Though not a knight, he holds himself up to a knightly chivalry, courtesy towards women, and upholding the goodly peoples. Though, he knows the world isn't black and white, and there are many shades of gray in the mix, he still feels strongly of what is good, and what is evil.
History : Born in a small village, a farming community. He was born looking like a normal human baby, but as he grew, his heritage became apparent. It first began with a mysterious man giving his mother an adamantine sword, and his dragon-like eyes. Abused by the other children for maturing more slowly than what was normal, at the age of twenty, the draconic heritage began to emerge in full, starting with the scales, and the pain of his face growing into a muzzle, his entire bodied was changing over the course of the next few years of his life, and when full changed from human, to that of a very draconic looking half breed, he was banished from his home, even his mother was against him. And so...he set out off on his own, his sword at his side, and an adventure infront of him, never looking back, never regretting what he was, what could he do, other than grieve over his banishment? He knew the answer to was to keep moving forward. Along the way, he helped dwarves, and as a reward for defeating an orc chieftain, had made, and given him the armor he now wears, and every so often, he visits these dwarves. The Arbalest he carries, came from the elves, whom which he helped save the princess, from a village of barbarians. Though, these accomplishments mean little in the world of men, and other races, but he is willing to live in this world, and not let his heritage hold him back.
The Dragon Rider, a dying breed. Steel clashes against Steel on the battlefield once more, this time, with less magic than before. Men of Arcane Might are hard to come by these days. Halaster, the Wizard Emperor of Ellismirda, is now Emperor. Halaster's army is spread throughout the kingdom, but his army of red dragons is his personal bodyguard, controlling them with the Scepter of Red Dragons, he has even pushed the other dragons out of the Empire itself.
Ellismirda is a lush land, mostly forests, and small plains, with fertile soil, to the north however, is wintery, and forsaking, to the west lays the desert of Alkeron. To the South, the Plains of the Forlorn, and to the east, the Swamps of Torgoth.
Ellismirda, to the northern part is it's capital, the city of Yurigon, this place is burnt, and unfertile, from the red dragons and their nests. Towards the middle, is many villages, and farming communities who produce the surplus of food. To the west, south and east, are the rougher, frontier towns, and cities, these places are attacked by outsiders every few years, and must be well defended by it's inhabitants.
To the North, the wintery lands of mountains, is where the frost dragons reside, with few riders.
To the east, the Swamps of Torgoth, the main host of Dragon Riders, only about five, and a few dozens of dragons reside.
To the south, the Plains of the Forlorn, barbarians and raiders live to attack frontier villages of Ellismirda.
To the west, the Deserts of Alkeron, the camel riding monsters called the Scarath reside, to attack the western edges.
Like a previous rp of mine, Dragons and Riders are going to be played seperately.
However, I am severely limiting the riders to only 3, that's 6 players.
Everyone will start off without a dragon, be they a knight, clergy member, guard, blacksmith, peasant, anything is alright, as long as it isn't the position higher than lord.
If your character uses full plate, you must give a good reason as to why he or she has full plate armor, for this armor is very expensive, the equivalent of fifty milk cows.
Mithral, and Adamantine are hard to come by, so it is unlikely you'll start off with anything greater than a steel longsword, or yew longbow.
Keep the races within reason.
Each Dragon must have an element, of these types:
Elemements that ARE NOT allowed are:
Dragons have leathery scales, instead of rock hard ones, for a weakness, though some may have rock hard scales, with a huge flaw in their armor.
Dragons with Leathery scales, may have greater strength, dexterity, or eyesight.
Dragons with Rock hard scales, are clumsy, and have less strength, due to their scales restricting movement, and muscles unable to fully stretch underneath.
Humans are the dominant race in this world.
Character Sheet:
Name : Falcor Silverhide
Race : Half Human, Half Silver Dragon
Gender : Male
Age : 40
Height : 6'3''
Powers : Glide, Flight, Darkvision, lowlight vision, breath of frost, and immunity to cold, unnaturally strong due to being of draconic blood, unnaturally good eyesight.
Weapons :
Dragonfang: This blade is a double edged Longsword, the blade is 34 inches long, the hilt makes it capable to be used in one, or two hands. The entire blade is made of Adamantine, silver-gray in color, and impossibly sharp, for adamantine, once forged is very hard, and tough, and will not lose an edge even if used in thousands upon thousands of battles. The crosspiece, depicts the wings of a dragon, while the handle is the neck, and the pommel is the head. In the eye sockets are two red jewels, that glow a fierce red, the blade's edge glows a red hot color, inflicting firey terror upon the enemy.
Arbalest(Heavy Crossbow): This weapon, is normally slung over Falcor's back, along with a quiver of bolts, which hold fifty. This is a beutifully made weapon of war, much of it made to look like that of scales, or a dragon, on the front end is a metallic foothole, to be placed onto the ground, while the hands are free to pull the taught string back. It is specially made, so the bolt doesn't fall out when pointing towards the ground, it's a loose holding mechanism, so that it doesn't interfere with firing of the crossbow.
Hunting Knife: This is the Generic knife, straight edged steel blade.
Animals, beasts : None, so far.
Appearance : Falcor is fearsome in his own right, though not of his own fault. This half dragon is covered in silvery scales, his face is elongated into a muzzle, with ear frills on the sides of his head, that can open and close as need be. A few of his serrated teeth stick out from his mouth, when closed. Hornlets run up his snout, and split to run along his eye ridges, there are none on the back of his head or neck. Two wings sprout from his shoulderblades, when folded, both are five feet long, and when unfolded, they give him the wingspan of twenty feet. His hands are clawed, with three inch long claws, his legs are digitgrade, giving him the feet of a digitigraded anime, no boot fits him. He has a 5'5'' long tail, it is thick, and muscular. He has a medium-heavy built. His eyes are blue, with dragon-like slitted pupils.
Clothes: On his torso, is a self-made brown-linen tunic, he wears long linen shorts, for no actual trousers, fit his legs correctly, or accomodate his tail nearly as well. Over that, is a hauberk of padding. Over his armor, he wears his belt, of which his scabbard and sword are on, on the left side of his hip. Wears gloves on his hands to stop himself from accidently hurting someone with his clawed hands. Clasped about his shoulders is a finely made, wool cloak, to keep him warm during colder seasons, and offer some protection.
Armor: Wears a hauberk of finely linked steel chainmail, with sleeves for the arms, the armor appears as a solid coat, with very small holes, looking to be of dwarven make. Over the Hauberk of chain, is a steel cuirass, steel pauldrons, and single plates on the outer side of the biceps and forearms. Strapped to his back, is a kite shield, horizontally across, this is until it is needed, or running away from a barrage of arrows. On his head, is usually a steel helmet, specifically made to fit around his hornlets, and on his snout, and around his ear frills, making him an even more terrifying sight.
Character : Though terrifying at first glance, one would see, on closer inspection, and perhaps a talk with this creature, that he is a king, courageous being, of a goodly weal. Though never showing it, it does upset him when people try to avoid him in fear of his draconic appearance, but knowing he can do little to stop them, or change his appearance, he lives with being the offspring of a dragon and a human, a rare courtship, that never last very long. Dragonfang, was the only gift he ever recieved from his father, a dragon. Though not a knight, he holds himself up to a knightly chivalry, courtesy towards women, and upholding the goodly peoples. Though, he knows the world isn't black and white, and there are many shades of gray in the mix, he still feels strongly of what is good, and what is evil.
History : Born in a small village, a farming community. He was born looking like a normal human baby, but as he grew, his heritage became apparent. It first began with a mysterious man giving his mother an adamantine sword, and his dragon-like eyes. Abused by the other children for maturing more slowly than what was normal, at the age of twenty, the draconic heritage began to emerge in full, starting with the scales, and the pain of his face growing into a muzzle, his entire bodied was changing over the course of the next few years of his life, and when full changed from human, to that of a very draconic looking half breed, he was banished from his home, even his mother was against him. And so...he set out off on his own, his sword at his side, and an adventure infront of him, never looking back, never regretting what he was, what could he do, other than grieve over his banishment? He knew the answer to was to keep moving forward. Along the way, he helped dwarves, and as a reward for defeating an orc chieftain, had made, and given him the armor he now wears, and every so often, he visits these dwarves. The Arbalest he carries, came from the elves, whom which he helped save the princess, from a village of barbarians. Though, these accomplishments mean little in the world of men, and other races, but he is willing to live in this world, and not let his heritage hold him back.
Last edited by Heavyman on Sun Oct 14, 2007 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dragonfish Warrior
- Posts: 2248
- Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:08 pm
- Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Name: Sashiara
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Race: Serpentine Dragon
Dragon length/human height: 57'/5'8''
Dragon weight/human weight: 607.1lbs/116.8lbs
Description: (Human Form)Pale and drawn she has known little sunlight, living in the shadows, coming out at night. She usually wears whatever she can steal around the general area, to blend in, is fluent in the ways of the ninja and has the rank of assassin. The only thing about her that has a hint of her inner power is her eyes, twin jade daggers gleaming in the twilight. (Dragon Form)A creature of majesty, she is stunning with jet-black scales that shimmer in the night, and a crest of darkest navy-blue on her forehead. Similar to Chinese dragons she can fly with out the need for wings, drawing the energy to do so from her time in the moonlight. She also has four legs with three claws each, and a breath of frost so cold it can freeze lava in 9 seconds flat.
Clothes: Mentioned above.
Armor: N/A
Weapon: Twin poisoned crystalline daggers, and quite a few Kunai and Shurikan
History: She was taken from her mother at a young age and lost to a poor family in a small village, as she grew up she knew she was better than them, and did little to hide it. She did not know that she was a dragon until her foster parents died and she was still, only a little human girl. She found out that she had been drugged into her human state and that it had damaged her dragon immune system. Now she cannot stay in her dragon form for long without the risk of damaging her health further. She despises humans for this and only takes assassination jobs for the joy of killing them, one at a time, that was, until she discovered that having a rider might actually restore her health. Now, it turns out that having a connection with a human might actually save her she has a very tough decision to make....
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Race: Serpentine Dragon
Dragon length/human height: 57'/5'8''
Dragon weight/human weight: 607.1lbs/116.8lbs
Description: (Human Form)Pale and drawn she has known little sunlight, living in the shadows, coming out at night. She usually wears whatever she can steal around the general area, to blend in, is fluent in the ways of the ninja and has the rank of assassin. The only thing about her that has a hint of her inner power is her eyes, twin jade daggers gleaming in the twilight. (Dragon Form)A creature of majesty, she is stunning with jet-black scales that shimmer in the night, and a crest of darkest navy-blue on her forehead. Similar to Chinese dragons she can fly with out the need for wings, drawing the energy to do so from her time in the moonlight. She also has four legs with three claws each, and a breath of frost so cold it can freeze lava in 9 seconds flat.
Clothes: Mentioned above.
Armor: N/A
Weapon: Twin poisoned crystalline daggers, and quite a few Kunai and Shurikan
History: She was taken from her mother at a young age and lost to a poor family in a small village, as she grew up she knew she was better than them, and did little to hide it. She did not know that she was a dragon until her foster parents died and she was still, only a little human girl. She found out that she had been drugged into her human state and that it had damaged her dragon immune system. Now she cannot stay in her dragon form for long without the risk of damaging her health further. She despises humans for this and only takes assassination jobs for the joy of killing them, one at a time, that was, until she discovered that having a rider might actually restore her health. Now, it turns out that having a connection with a human might actually save her she has a very tough decision to make....
Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
- The Broken One
- Posts: 634
- Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:30 pm
- Location: my own little world, eatin' all yer cuppy cakes
- Contact:
Name: Ambassador (Bassa)
Age: 45
Gender: male
Race: earth dragon
Height: 6' 11" at the shoulder
Weight: 549 lbs
Appearance: dark emerald scales,wings, and frills. black hair and golden eyes. four spiked tail.

Clothes: N/A
Armor: leathery scales
Weapons: claws, teeth, tail. no breath weapon
Other: Ambassador is young but not taken to cockiness like most young dragons. however, he does have a tendancy to think he's capable of more than he really is. Dislikes most half dragons. Loves dwarves.
History: Ambassador hatched alone on the mountain, his parents killed and the rest of the eggs in the clutch having been smashed by maurauders and thieves. Wandering deeper inside the cave, he found his way into a dwarven mine shaft and was quickly found buy a hefty young dwarf named Fellden. The dwarf raised Ambassador as a pet and gave him his name on account of his regal appearance. When he got too big for the home, however, he was forced to leave and now wanders looking for other dragons of his kind.
Age: 45
Gender: male
Race: earth dragon
Height: 6' 11" at the shoulder
Weight: 549 lbs
Appearance: dark emerald scales,wings, and frills. black hair and golden eyes. four spiked tail.

Clothes: N/A
Armor: leathery scales
Weapons: claws, teeth, tail. no breath weapon
Other: Ambassador is young but not taken to cockiness like most young dragons. however, he does have a tendancy to think he's capable of more than he really is. Dislikes most half dragons. Loves dwarves.
History: Ambassador hatched alone on the mountain, his parents killed and the rest of the eggs in the clutch having been smashed by maurauders and thieves. Wandering deeper inside the cave, he found his way into a dwarven mine shaft and was quickly found buy a hefty young dwarf named Fellden. The dwarf raised Ambassador as a pet and gave him his name on account of his regal appearance. When he got too big for the home, however, he was forced to leave and now wanders looking for other dragons of his kind.
not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys
- Wanderer
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- Location: out to find my dear insane husband
Name: Graddick
Age: 22
Gender: male
Race: Human
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190
Appearance: A man of relative shortness, he's exceedingly stocky and very muscular. He has long, curly, blonde hair that he sometimes pulls back into a ponytail.
Clothes: heavy leather vest that reveals curly blonde chest hair. His pants are made of a canvas-like material with many pockets.
Armor: small round shield, beaten and well used.
Weapons: shortsword, small steel throwing stars
Other: Graddick is an asshole to put it bluntly. He will insult you with a smile, and because of it, he has a tendency to make instant friendsl.
History: Ran away from home to avoid an arranged marriage and became a freelance soldier. After a bizarre mishap, he fled the country and took on the name he now carries. He became a breeder of small dragons and other creatures to make money, but is now restless.
Age: 22
Gender: male
Race: Human
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 190
Appearance: A man of relative shortness, he's exceedingly stocky and very muscular. He has long, curly, blonde hair that he sometimes pulls back into a ponytail.
Clothes: heavy leather vest that reveals curly blonde chest hair. His pants are made of a canvas-like material with many pockets.
Armor: small round shield, beaten and well used.
Weapons: shortsword, small steel throwing stars
Other: Graddick is an asshole to put it bluntly. He will insult you with a smile, and because of it, he has a tendency to make instant friendsl.
History: Ran away from home to avoid an arranged marriage and became a freelance soldier. After a bizarre mishap, he fled the country and took on the name he now carries. He became a breeder of small dragons and other creatures to make money, but is now restless.
I make just enough money to support my music habit 

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- Location: Aboard Mark XIV No. 62 hovership "Mjolnir"
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Hey, karina, want to be my Rider?
Name: Draconis
Age: 101
Race: Fire/Lightning Hybrid Dragon
Height: 63 feet
Weight: Unknown (when was the last time they created a scale that could measure dragons?)
Appearance: His leathery scales the color of the fire that he breathes, Draconis is one of the largest dragons in existence. Twin swept-back horns extend from his head, and his tail is tipped with a horn blade. His eyes are a glowing orange; in dark places he can increase the glow to produce beams of light.
Clothes: None. Dragons don't wear clothes.
Armor: Leathery scales
Weapons: Talons, fangs, fire, lightning. He has two fire attacks: Fireblast, which is the standard dragonfire, and Fireball, which launches an explosive fireball at his target. His lightning attack is when he shoots, well, lightning from his mouth.
Other: None.
History: He has been in combat many times, and is a force to be reckoned with. Nothing is known about his past, which is how he likes it.
Name: Draconis
Age: 101
Race: Fire/Lightning Hybrid Dragon
Height: 63 feet
Weight: Unknown (when was the last time they created a scale that could measure dragons?)
Appearance: His leathery scales the color of the fire that he breathes, Draconis is one of the largest dragons in existence. Twin swept-back horns extend from his head, and his tail is tipped with a horn blade. His eyes are a glowing orange; in dark places he can increase the glow to produce beams of light.
Clothes: None. Dragons don't wear clothes.
Armor: Leathery scales
Weapons: Talons, fangs, fire, lightning. He has two fire attacks: Fireblast, which is the standard dragonfire, and Fireball, which launches an explosive fireball at his target. His lightning attack is when he shoots, well, lightning from his mouth.
Other: None.
History: He has been in combat many times, and is a force to be reckoned with. Nothing is known about his past, which is how he likes it.
Last edited by Falconer on Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.
-Tucker Max
-Tucker Max
- Dragonfish Warrior
- Posts: 2248
- Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:08 pm
- Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Last edited by Jishdefish on Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.
- The Broken One
- Posts: 634
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- Location: my own little world, eatin' all yer cuppy cakes
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- Matrix Operator
- Posts: 2112
- Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:58 pm
- Location: Aboard Mark XIV No. 62 hovership "Mjolnir"
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- Dragonfish Warrior
- Posts: 2248
- Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:08 pm
- Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
- The Broken One
- Posts: 634
- Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:30 pm
- Location: my own little world, eatin' all yer cuppy cakes
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- Matrix Operator
- Posts: 2112
- Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:58 pm
- Location: Aboard Mark XIV No. 62 hovership "Mjolnir"
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- The Broken One
- Posts: 634
- Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 11:30 pm
- Location: my own little world, eatin' all yer cuppy cakes
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Name: Casiera (kuh SIE ruh)
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Species: Lightning Dragon

grey wings, long arrow tipped tail.
Weapons: claws, teeth, electricity. (small bolts and paralyzing pulses)
Armor: glassy scales. fragile and don't hold up to anything metal but when one is broken, it releases an electric pulse that can momentarily paralyze.
History: Casiera was raised in captivity by a menagrie owner. He kept her as one of his most prized 'shows'. she learned all kinds of tricks to please the audiance, unfortunatly flying wasn't one of them. she didn't learn how until she ran away at 32, discontent with her life as a side show. Because of the slow start, she's a little ungainly in the sky, but is a swift runner with sure footing. She is used to all sorts of people and creatures after performing in so many different places so she isn't one to be prejudice. however, if you piss her off chances are she's going to hold a grudge against you for the rest of forever.
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Species: Lightning Dragon

grey wings, long arrow tipped tail.
Weapons: claws, teeth, electricity. (small bolts and paralyzing pulses)
Armor: glassy scales. fragile and don't hold up to anything metal but when one is broken, it releases an electric pulse that can momentarily paralyze.
History: Casiera was raised in captivity by a menagrie owner. He kept her as one of his most prized 'shows'. she learned all kinds of tricks to please the audiance, unfortunatly flying wasn't one of them. she didn't learn how until she ran away at 32, discontent with her life as a side show. Because of the slow start, she's a little ungainly in the sky, but is a swift runner with sure footing. She is used to all sorts of people and creatures after performing in so many different places so she isn't one to be prejudice. however, if you piss her off chances are she's going to hold a grudge against you for the rest of forever.
not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys
- Solitary Serpent
- Posts: 1084
- Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:32 pm
- Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
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- Solitary Serpent
- Posts: 1084
- Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:32 pm
- Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
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Name: Brothorn
Age: 20
Gender: male
Race: human
Height: 6'2
Weight: unknown (he's athletically built though. if that helps)
Appearance: athletic build, tan, has two red streaks going down his back (start at each shoulder blade and go to his lower back), wears green sleeveless shirt that has the ability to repair itself and baggy black cargo pants with a big leather belt and heavy boots. A heavy double-sided ax is strapped to his back.
Clothes: mentioned above
Armor: none (never had any to use)
Weapons: heavy, doubled-sided ax (as mentioned above)
Other: He may not always be the smartest of the bunch, but he is caring and willing to fight for his friends. May act a little immature sometimes but can be serious if needed. Does not take kindly to dragons or dragon-kin.
History: His family was killed by a dragon when he was 13. He managed to escape, but somehow a drop of dragon's blood combined with his. He developed draconic wings. He has the ability to hide these wings, and keeps them hidden from others. They may "sprout" in times of great stress or rage. He now wanders the land looking for the dragon that murdered his family.
Does that help?
Age: 20
Gender: male
Race: human
Height: 6'2
Weight: unknown (he's athletically built though. if that helps)
Appearance: athletic build, tan, has two red streaks going down his back (start at each shoulder blade and go to his lower back), wears green sleeveless shirt that has the ability to repair itself and baggy black cargo pants with a big leather belt and heavy boots. A heavy double-sided ax is strapped to his back.
Clothes: mentioned above
Armor: none (never had any to use)
Weapons: heavy, doubled-sided ax (as mentioned above)
Other: He may not always be the smartest of the bunch, but he is caring and willing to fight for his friends. May act a little immature sometimes but can be serious if needed. Does not take kindly to dragons or dragon-kin.
History: His family was killed by a dragon when he was 13. He managed to escape, but somehow a drop of dragon's blood combined with his. He developed draconic wings. He has the ability to hide these wings, and keeps them hidden from others. They may "sprout" in times of great stress or rage. He now wanders the land looking for the dragon that murdered his family.
Does that help?
Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .
- Matrix Operator
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- Location: Aboard Mark XIV No. 62 hovership "Mjolnir"
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- Solitary Serpent
- Posts: 1084
- Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 10:32 pm
- Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
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